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Mental Health

30 Daily Affirmations to Improve Your Mindset

Affirmations are a powerful way to improve your mindset on a daily basis, and research has shown that they can increase our feelings of self-worth.

Since your thoughts play a big part in your overall success and happiness, it’s important to find ways to improve your mindset. If you don’t, you risk falling into negative thought patterns and holding yourself back.

What’s more, it may help boost your overall health. Studies support the idea that the words we choose matter. A good positive affirmation can help you combat stress and increase the neural pathways in your brain.

What Exactly Are Daily Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive reminders or statements that can be used to encourage and motivate yourself or others. Often it’s a lot easier to affirm others than it is ourselves, but we need to remember to encourage ourselves as well.

Self-affirmation encourages you to think positively about the important things in your life.

Rather than trying to convince yourself that you’re beautiful when you don’t feel that way, self-affirmation encourages you to think positively about the important things in your life, like your family, career, or hobbies. This means reflecting on things that you know and believe are good about yourself and your life.

Daily Affirmations To Improve Your Mindset

Here are some examples of affirmations that you can use on a daily basis.

  1. “I have the knowledge to make smart decisions for myself.”
  2. “I have all that I need to make today a great day.”
  3. “I am, and always will be, enough.”
  4. “I acknowledge my own self-worth – my confidence is rising.”
  5. “I let go of any negative feelings about myself or my life, and accept all that is good.”
  6. “I always attract only the best of circumstances and I have the best positive people in my life.”
  7. “I am courageous. I am willing to act and face my fears.”
  8. “Every day I discover interesting and exciting new paths to pursue.”
  9. “I trust my intuition and I always make wise decisions.”
  10. “I am focused on my goals and feel passionate about my work.”
  11. “I work well under pressure and always feel motivated.”
  12. “I am living to my full potential.”
  13. “I have everything I need to face any obstacles that come”.
  14. “I have the power to create all the success and prosperity I desire.”
  15. “I can let go of old, negative beliefs that have stood in the way of my success”
  16. “I am surrounded by supportive, positive people who believe in me and want to see my succeed”
  17. “I will be open-minded and always eager to explore new avenues to success.”
  18. “As I take on new challenges I feel calm, confident, and powerful.”
  19. “I will celebrate each goal I accomplish with gratitude and joy.”
  20. “I choose to think positively and create a wonderful and successful life for myself.”
  21. “I am grateful that my life is so happy and successful.”
  22. “I am valuable and will make powerful contributions to the world today.”
  23. “I continuously push myself to learn and develop in areas of life that bring me happiness, freedom, and purpose.”
  24. “I wake up every morning ready for a new day of exciting possibilities”
  25. “I am happy and free because I am me.”
  26. “I am a strong individual who attracts success and happiness.”
  27. “I am learning to trust the journey.”
  28. “I have great ideas and make great contributions.”
  29. “Every challenge I face is an opportunity to grow and improve.”
  30. “Today, I аbаndоn mу оld hаbіtѕ аnd take up nеw, mоrе роѕіtіvе оnеѕ.”

How To Use Affirmations

You may choose to use positive affirmations to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in your life, or boost your self-esteem. If you frequently find yourself getting caught up in negative self-talk, positive affirmations can be used to combat these often subconscious patterns and replace them with more adaptive narratives.

Some people say affirmations out loud in front of a mirror. Others simply write them down in a journal. You can also repeat them in your head like a mantra during meditation.

The important thing is to find affirmations that resonate with you.

The key here is that you don’t have to go through a running list of affirmations every day. Just choose a few that really speak to you and encourage you to keep moving forward.


Positive affirmations require regular practice if you want to make lasting, long-term changes to the ways that you think and feel. The good news is that the practice and popularity of positive affirmations are based on widely accepted and well-established psychological theory.

Shanti-Som Retreat Guidance is a great way to learn more about using positive affirmations in your daily life to improve health, wellbeing and happiness. This is included in many of our Retreat packages such as our popular Healing Retreat program.


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